Sunday, August 15, 2010

What to Wear

This is the #1 question I am asked after someone books a session:  What should I/we wear?  Clothes are an incredibly important part of a portrait.  Essentially-- your outfit can make or break your portrait.  Your choice of attire should reflect you..... and then a little more.  I always suggest layering-- even in the heat of summer: layer colors, layer textures, layer different shirts, and ALWAYS accessorize.  Gentlemen:  Sure, a T-Shirt is ok for walking around town, but we are creating artwork for your wall.  Layer that T-Shirt under a long sleeve shirt, continue by adding a polo/sweater/jacket/tie/vest whatever strikes you best.  Have a great hat?  Bring it along!    Ladies:  Accessories are our biggest friends, but don't overdo it.  A chunky ring (one per hand) adds a hint of color and fun.  A custom hair accessory adds a nice flavor to the portrait.  Scarves are a great way for mom's to add color without overpowering a picture with the kids.  Little girls, toddler boys, and babies may be my exception to the layering preference.  Little girls look fabulous in a simple sundress and bare feet.  Little boys looks wonderful in only overalls and bare feet.  And newborns wear nothing at all 99% of the time.  Still unsure?  I'll update on occassion with some of my favorite layering portraits.  I'll start with a few today.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

What Blog? Oh, That's right.... I DO have a blog!!! {Oops}

Well.  Considering it IS here... and considering I do have TWO followers {big thanks to both of you, BTW}, I guess I'll post an update.  Who knows?  Maybe I'll gain another follower.  Stranger things have happened. =]

So-- To start off my blog posting extravaganza, let's look at Nikki.Loren.Photography's first Senior Representatives, shall we?  "Hey, I know her/him]!!"  Perfect!  Mention [herhis] name when you book your senior session and receive 24 FREE Wallets with your senior package order.  Sweet-O!!!

Drumroll Please.........

Meet Larissa-- Grant Public Schools 2011 Senior Rep.

Hello, Larissa!

I was fortunate enough to have 2 Newaygo Public Schools Representatives this year.  First we have Megan:

Hello, Megan!

And, next we have Kendall:

Hello, Kendall!

And, Finally, Meet Katelyn, My Fremont High School Senior Representative.

Hello, Katelyn!

Super BIG Thanks to all of my 2011 Senior Representative for helping spread the word that I'm a senior photographing freak. =]


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice!

Oh my goodness-- I have had the opportunity to photography so many kids over the last month.  Kids could be my FAVORITE group to photograph.  They roll with it... they may be shy at times, but they are rarely insecure about their smiles or their facial expressions.  Kids are just.... kids!  It's been so cold that I've had to photograph all the kiddos indoors.  I hope this warming pattern continues-- I want to get outside!

This first little girl wasn't sure about me-- the whole time she was in I was given "the look."  =]

The above girl was such a ham!  She would dress herself up and then sit and pose-- mom and I were working on her new little sister's poses at the time =].

Beautiful Blue Eyed Boy =]

and a beautiful blue eyed girl. (above)

Gotta love natural window light. 

More to come....... goodness!

thanks for stopping.


Saturday, April 10, 2010

North Carolina Seniors are the BOMBDIGITY! (So are Newaygo County Seniors)

BUT, I must give out props to this North Carolina senior I shot while down in that neck of the woods a few weeks back.  Gorgeous!  So fun as well.... I think senior sessions are one of my favorites.  I shot another senior tonight (post to follow) and had so much fun editting. 

Sidenote:  is it "editting" or "editing."  It looks silly to me both ways.  I could use a spell checker, but this is so much more fun...

Now for the pics....

I love this next one... something about it....

This one make me HAPPY  (might be she was laughing.... I don't know =])

So beautiful here.....

and I call this one her "fierce" shot.

There's more I could post... I should probably start to use some blogging templates.  Note to self:  next improvement lesson is to start using blogging templates.  I'm heading to beddy-bye-boo right now... I have much blogging to catch up on.  I think I'll post a "Couple of this and a Couple of that" next time I write.

Have a great weekend!  The sun is finally out in Michigan, (woohoo)!  It was a long winter-- but good weather is back again.

Take care!  See you soon.


Monday, March 1, 2010

Senior Snow Pics

I am officially tired of winter.  Actually, it was official about 2 months ago, shortly after Christmas.  My kids love the snow-- I however, MUCH prefer a warmer climate.  I find shooting outdoors in the winter is slightly more challenging than other times of the year.  BUT, I will say it makes colors POP more when you are surrounded by a white background.  Love it, Hate it.... I can't decide.  I am a gemini, which is why I vascilate.  (We'll cover that on a future post).  Anyhooser, theses gents were gracious enough to ask me to take their 2010 senior pictures.  We ran around in the bitter cold, but they didn't seem to mind a bit..... even without their heavy winter coats.  =]

Woo Hoo for Fabulous clients!!!!!

Oooooo...... So serious =] {Below}

Sidenote:  My hubby was making fun of me last night for using "photog" and "pics" in my speech.  He asked if it takes more effort to finish with "grapher" and "tures."  He then asked if I was the photog. who brought her cam. to take pics...... isn't he a snot???  Love him.  =]

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Warmer Weather, Where Art Thou?

I'm getting closer to figuring this thing out.... yippee!  So, it's snowing again in my neck of the woods.  Today it was a heavy, wet sort of snow.  Not too much fun.  I was going to take some pics with my kids, but we decided to save that adventure for another day.  So, I'll post some from last fall-- late in the evening, after a client session, we decide to have an impromptu shoot.  We shot until dark-- literally, the sun had set when I snagged a quick pic of the 3 of them together.  One of these days I'll actually put my kids on my schedule.  Wouldn't that be a treat.  To have a scheduled photo shoot with my own kiddos again.  =]  Ahhh... a mom can dream. 

Enjoy your day-- sunshine is a-coming =]


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Casting Call-- Looking for West Michigan Senior Reps!!!!

Do you know a West Michigan senior who will be graduating in 2011?  If so, they could be the next Nikki Loren Photography representative.  Why be a senior rep, you ask?  Well, my dear, the perks are so rewarding you'd be crazy not to do it. 

Senior Reps Receive:
(2) Free sittings, (Indoor and Outdoor)
(2) 8x10 Proof Books, (To Show Friends/Classmates Your Fab Pics)
Personalized Rep Cards, (To Hand Out to Friends/Classmates)
10% Off Print Purchases
FREE Print Credits for Referrals

Referred Seniors Receive:
24 FREE Wallets, (WooHoo)!!!

How Many Reps Will Nikki Loren Accept?:

2 Per School-- 1 Male and 1 Female

What is Expected of a Senior Rep:

For receiving $205 of services for FREE, (plus the ability to earn much more), a senior rep is expected to help get the word out that Nikki Loren Photography is THE PLACE to go for unique and modern senior portraits.  This would require the rep to be a fairly outgoing person who is not embarrassed to approach persons he/she may not know well.  You are my salespersons on the street-- spreading the wealth by offering classmates FREE product simply by choosing Nikki Loren as his/her photographer.  To be blunt-- this position is not for someone looking only for free sittings and proof books.  {sorry if anyone is offended}

In addition, the Senior Rep signs a model release acknowledging and allowing Nikki Loren Photography use of photos in marketing material, web design, and promotional material.  (You might be a STAR)!!!

Can You Spice it Up More?

Sure!  Once I've obtained 10 senior reps, we will hold a contest.  The rep with the highest number of referrals will win a $500 All-Inclusive portrait package from Nikki Loren Photography; Second place will win a $250 Portrait Package, and Third Place will win $100 Portrait Package, (minimum number of referrals is 5 to win).  How's that for some spice?

Now-- get your booty over to and click "Contact Nikki Loren" to apply as a Senior Rep.  Hurry!  Rep applications are only accepted until March 15!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Obsess much????

Yes, I do.

So.... I think I have found someone to design my blog so it doesn't look so... well.... horrible. Currently, my header is too large and my blog pics are too small. To top it off, the pics look severly degraded. It makes it hard to get excited to post.  (Sidenote:  I think I may have found a way to post larger photos.....).

HOWEVER, I determined I was going to turn over a new leaf, so 'Post' I will. Luckily, I have no followers-- no steady visitors; so the only witness to this stumbling excursion is myself.

And because one cannot post without a pic, (or, shall I say "shouldn't" post without a pic), I'll upload a few of my faves from 2009.  Keep stopping back-- I plan to feature a full list of '09 faves!


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

What a great day.... sitting back and relaxing. I should be editing seems I always have a photo that could use a helping hand. BUT, it's Valentine's Day and it's a wonderful day to focus on my children.

With that said, I'm going to log off of my computer for awhile. But, I'll leave you with a few images from a snow party we had last Friday. I'm not much of a winter fan myself, but the snow did make a beautifully clean back-ground. =]

Thursday, February 11, 2010

A New Year, A New Dedication

Let's hope.... I'm still trying to figure this whole "blog" thing out. I've been looking for blog photo templates and I'm still trying to figure out how to make the layout of this blog more appealing. I gladly welcome any suggestions. (Likewise, I will share anything that I find). It will be a slow process, I'm certain.

2009 was an incredible year for me: I launched Nikki Loren Photography in August of 2009. I was terrified, somewhat frozen by a lack of confidence. With some kind words from my hubby, I made the leap and I am so glad I did. I'm still nervous before every shoot-- I don't know if that will ever go away. Time will tell.

Growing up, my mom dabbled in photography and, like her, I always found myself behind the lens instead of in front of it. I have thousands of pictures of my nephews growing up, (still waiting to be compiled into an album), and even more pictures of my own children, (also waiting for creative compositions). I make mistakes everyday and I learn new things everyday. I think the two go hand in hand. Well, here's to a new year.... and to figuring this "blog" thing out.

Take care and Thanks for stopping by,

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